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Tuusulanjärven Lämpö

  • Framework: WordPress
  • Location: Järvenpää, Finland
  • History: Hion Digital

Tuusulanjärven Lämpö is an energy company in southern Finland that produces local and sustainable district heating to customers in and around the municipalities of Tuusula and Järvenpää.

Tuusulanjärven Lämpö website

The Tuusulanjärven Lämpö website was designed by SEK (Opens in new window) in Finland and developed by Hion Digital (Opens in new window) using WordPress. One of the key goals I had for the project was to ensure that whenever another developer would come into it they could jump in and start working without having to spend a lot of time figuring out how to get the development environment up and running or how the project itself operated. To achieve this the developments are very straight forward in their simplicity, with the tech stack consisting of vanilla JavaScript, TailwindCSS (Opens in new window), and the native functionalities and methodologies that come out of the box with WordPress. The components are very flexible, maintainable, and along with being well named, structured and documented, contain a couple of additional, helpful ways for developers to easily discover which components in the frontend belong to which templates in the backend.

Visit Tuusulanjärven Lämpö (Opens in new window)